jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

I LOVE ANIMALS!!! especially pets! i really enjoy their company. obviously I preffer animals rather persons because the don't talk, don't argue and don't claim.
Pets are willing to give you all of their unconditional love. They always are giving you a signal that they're happy to see you. there's nothing better than coming home and watch how they recieve every member of the family.
In my life I have had a lot kind of pets, but anyway I select the dogs. Many dogs have marked my life. each and every one of them was very important for me, they have teached me a lesson.
Homs was an amazing Dalmatian.. after someone stole my coker Drupi (my first dog) we were very hurt. My family decided not to have pets anymore.. well, one day we visited a lady (Amelia) who is closed to our family. My brother and I were extremely bored so we decided to explore her house. It follows that this lady had a Dalmatian closed in a ultra small area. this dog called Homs, he was thin and careless.. it seems that his whole life had been locked out without the possibility of hang arround.
My brother and I inmediatlty fall in love with him and since that day we bother Amelia to let her understand that the best for Homs was living in our home, where he could have more space.
Homs began to feel better, gain weight and handle himself
He was the spoiled of the house.everynight he tried to sleep indoor, because he always wanted to be with us. everymorning was a problem.. when the college bus picked us up to go to school, Homs run after the bus as he knew we were suffering.
When we moved to Rancagua Homs moved with us too. He loved runing and runing all over the yard, but oneday he stayed out on the streets for an afternoon and suddenly a car hit him on his legs.
He lost  his left hand. with the time you get used to it.. in deed he learned how to run with three legs..in our neighborhood our house were known as "the house of  the ... Dalmatian"
well, he died 10 years after his accident, He had a plenty and happy life.

1 comentario:

  1. I LOVE ANIMALS!!! especially pets! i really enjoy their company. obviously I preffer animals rather persons because the don't talk, don't argue and don't claim.
    Pets are willing to give you all of their unconditional love. They always are giving you a signal that they're happy to see you. there's nothing better than coming home and watch how they recieve every member of the family.
    In my life I have had a lot kind of pets, but anyway I select the dogs. Many dogs have marked my life. each and every one of them was very important for me, they have WF teached me a lesson.
    Homs was an amazing Dalmatian.. after someone stole my coker Drupi (my first dog) we were very hurt. My family decided not to have pets anymore.. well, one day we visited a lady (Amelia) who is closed to our family. My brother and I were extremely bored so we decided to explore her house. It follows that this lady had a Dalmatian closed in a ultra small area. this dog called Homs, he was thin and careless.. it seems that his whole life had been locked out without the possibility of hang SP arround.
    My brother and I SP inmediatlty fall in love with him and since that day we bother Amelia to let her understand that the best for Homs was living in our home, where he could have more space.
    Homs began to feel better, gain weight and handle himself
    He was the spoiled of the house.everynight he tried to sleep indoor, because he always wanted to be with us. everymorning was a problem.. when the college bus picked us up to go to school, Homs SVA run after the bus as he knew we were suffering.
    When we moved to Rancagua Homs moved with us too. He loved runing and runing all over the yard, but oneday he stayed out on the streets for an afternoon and suddenly a car hit him on his legs.
    He lost his left hand. with the time you get used to it.. in deed he learned how to run with three legs..in our neighborhood our house were known as "the house of the ... Dalmatian"
    well, he died 10 years after his accident, He had a plenty and happy life.

    what a nice story! A had a Dalmatian as well.
