jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

I LOVE ANIMALS!!! especially pets! i really enjoy their company. obviously I preffer animals rather persons because the don't talk, don't argue and don't claim.
Pets are willing to give you all of their unconditional love. They always are giving you a signal that they're happy to see you. there's nothing better than coming home and watch how they recieve every member of the family.
In my life I have had a lot kind of pets, but anyway I select the dogs. Many dogs have marked my life. each and every one of them was very important for me, they have teached me a lesson.
Homs was an amazing Dalmatian.. after someone stole my coker Drupi (my first dog) we were very hurt. My family decided not to have pets anymore.. well, one day we visited a lady (Amelia) who is closed to our family. My brother and I were extremely bored so we decided to explore her house. It follows that this lady had a Dalmatian closed in a ultra small area. this dog called Homs, he was thin and careless.. it seems that his whole life had been locked out without the possibility of hang arround.
My brother and I inmediatlty fall in love with him and since that day we bother Amelia to let her understand that the best for Homs was living in our home, where he could have more space.
Homs began to feel better, gain weight and handle himself
He was the spoiled of the house.everynight he tried to sleep indoor, because he always wanted to be with us. everymorning was a problem.. when the college bus picked us up to go to school, Homs run after the bus as he knew we were suffering.
When we moved to Rancagua Homs moved with us too. He loved runing and runing all over the yard, but oneday he stayed out on the streets for an afternoon and suddenly a car hit him on his legs.
He lost  his left hand. with the time you get used to it.. in deed he learned how to run with three legs..in our neighborhood our house were known as "the house of  the ... Dalmatian"
well, he died 10 years after his accident, He had a plenty and happy life.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Santiago, Stgo, Santiasco... whatever! its our capital city and we must love it as it is.
My very first impression of Stgo was pollution and crowded streets, but if you have time to look arround you and see the new offers of this city, you would be impressed.
When someone ask me to pick 5 different places in Santiago to take a foreigner tourist who is visiting our capital, i think in my TOP 5 places.....the first thing that comes to my mind are pubs or discos or places that open at night.. but suddenly I remember a few places that take my breath away. It doesen't matter if the places I've been picking have touristic relevance.

suburb located on santiago commune, dowtown center.
the attraction of this place is their beautiful surroundings areas. The neighborhood style is like European style, because the streets were made with cobblestones and the buildings aren't so high. The streets are narrow and there's no  much trade. It's the perfect place to take a walk on spring.

It's one of the most entertaining attractions. it consist on a toboggan-slide where you descend the hill on it. you can reach a speed of 40 kms per hour. It has a lot of curves and fun. the sledge has a brake lever in case of emergency. the adults descend alone and the kids must descend with an adult. It has a lot of adrenaline and fun. besides, you can enjoy the view of santiago. It's located in the Mahuida Park in La Reina.

Definitely I love Parque Araucano. The park  is located at the commune of  Las Condes, next to the Parque Arauco Mall.
It's a place of recreation, has near to 30 hectares with a lot of trees and flowers and little roads.
I really enjoy going there because  it makes me think, yes, think about the things I've done the last weeks. it's very relaxing.
It has a lot of playgrounds, a huge birdcage, at least 4 sports courts, has a big pool, a skatepark and a big pasture where in summer the municipe organize movie nights and outdoors concerts.
I really love it. everything is well maintained and clean.
the perfect schedule is have a perfect shopping day and ending the day in the amazing courtyards.

La Chascona it's the name of the house of Neruda, the famous Chilean poet. It's located at the foot of San Cristobal hill..in this house, the poet lived with Matilde, the love of his life.
For me this house is the great legacy of the poet... it's like the house had kept the secret of inspiration through the years.
It's very interesting visiting La Chascona because you always have something to discover. the place is full of figures and objets colleted by Neruda. the house have a lot of stairs. the "gringos" love it!

Saving the best for last, Chihuahua is a Karaoke pub very unusual. You can sing, drink, eat and dance.. all in the same place. The place is not very big, but it's very cozy. It is located in Av. Vitacura. It opens Monday to Saturday and always have live show. the people feel very welcome there.. you can dance on top of chairs and tables if you wish. Trust me.. its very funny. Their slogan is: "more than a pub, a therapy".

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

The Death Penalty is known as a punishment made by the man to make another man pays for the terrible things he had done.
It consists on inducing the death. the sinner is injected with a mix of chemicals that makes his organism colapse.
the thing is that the society limits thelife of a human being, judging against a "wrong act"... but what its wrong or right? we are dealing with the LIFE!
the Death Penalty can't stop the crime and can't change the criminals... its totally negative. It can only satisfy the feeling for revenge from the victim's family.
We are in the 21st century.. its a edge of technology, advances and culture.., but we still haven't get the real meaning of being alive.. the sparkle of life!
it's something really arrogant determine when someone has to finish their existance in our world. above this principles, it seems that is more consistent give effective faults (all life in jail) than trampling on the will of our gods.
in conclusion.. I think that every person can change, can be a better man or woman.. the thing is we have to give this opportunity to change, no matter how big the problem or the sinn was.  in a deeply corner of our souls he have the chance to be developed to a great person. the Capital Penalty destroyes this chance. " A penalty of this nature is not a corrective, it can only be an act of revenge"